The mission of National Train A Teacher Day is to protect kids.
Educating and empowering teachers, staff, and admin will help us to realize that mission and perhaps as an added bonus create informed advocates that can influence legislators and school boards in changing policies and laws. The protection and security of our children is NOT a “gun” debate. Educational opportunities offered on NTATD include awareness, medical, unarmed, and deterrence training as well as firearms instruction. NTATD is a means to actual solutions that will protect children and stop evil mass murders from happening in our schools. We are not advocating an “Armed Teacher Program”, we simply want to abolish Gun Free Zones and allow Teachers, Staff, and Admin to have the ability to arm themselves through all legal means to protect themselves and others just as they can in public, at the mall or in the park. We (Professional Firearms Trainers) are proactively doing "Something" ... EDUCATING our fellow Citizens. This is a tangible, real, and useful solution that EXERCISES our rights and Liberties as Americans.
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Next date: Saturday, June 22nd, 2024